Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Activities Boost Clay County

Cherokee clan masks are now on display at the Cherokee village near downtown Hayesville. The display is outdoors and available all year round. Come and enjoy it.

An independent film company filmed on the Hayesville square on August 15. The movie is Doctor Ryan's Magic Elixir Medicine Show with music by Dom Flemons of the Carolina Chocolate Drops. For more information on the film, see kazoofilms.org.

Children enjoyed themselves at the Family Fun Fest on the square in Hayesville on August 14.

CCCRA's beautification committee worked with Friends of the Library to spruce up Moss Memorial Library on August 11. Workers were (from the left) Bob Leonard, John Tiemon, Patsy Leonard, Margie Weathers, Jake Ehrhart, and John Atkins. Not pictured: Dorothy Ethridge.